The Role of Flavonol Synthesized by Nucleus FLS1 in Arabidopsis Resistance to Pb Stress

The lead (Pb) is an important pollutant of concern to the whole world due to extensive pollution sources and effects of which are highly toxic. Flavanols can increase plant resistance to abiotic stresses, is also responsible for the effect of reducing under pressure Pb. The relationship between stress and flavonols Pb, still, the knowledge about the mechanism of function of flavonols are very limited. Pb affect the metabolism of energy, thereby inhibiting plant growth and development.

Flavonol accumulation is controlled by FLS1 (flavonol synthase) could alleviate the toxic effects. Importantly, nes (Mutants of NES allows FLS1 enter expressions nucleus) indicate the status of better growth and oxidative damage lighter than the NES (N-terminal core exception signal peptide prevents FLS1 entering the expression core), which indicates that the core-flavonol synthesized by FLS1 core plays a key role in plant resistance to stress Pb.

Although FLS1 signal detected in the cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus-flavonol membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus-flavonol-flavonol who do not exercise their functions in the appropriate position. FLS1 core expression intervene in the content and composition of total flavonols. The results also reveal that the core-flavonol may regulate metabolism Ascorbic to reduce damage to the chloroplast, thereby maintaining photophosphorylation path.

Our findings provide new insights into the molecular basis of tolerance Pb and mechanisms of plant responses.
Quorum sensing (QS) is a phenomenon recognizes that is very important to regulate the behavior of related bacterial population. However, special effects direct from the molecular biology of host QS largely understudied. In this work, we show that the DSF QS molecule (cis-11-methyl-dodecenoic acid) produced by Xanthomonas campestris pv. can suppress immune campestris pathogen-associated molecular patterns triggered (PTI) in Arabidopsis thaliana, mediated by flagellin-induced activation of receptor FLS2 flagellin.

DSF-mediated attenuation of innate immunity results from nanoclusters changes FLS2 and endocytic internalization of plasma membrane FLS2. DSF changed the lipid profile of Arabidopsis, with a particular increase in the species phytosterols, which disrupted the general endocytosis mediated by clathrin and FLS2 nano-clustering on the plasma membrane. DSF effect on the dynamics of the receptor and the host immune response can be completely reversed with the removal of sterols.

The Role of Flavonol Synthesized by Nucleus FLS1 in Arabidopsis Resistance to Pb Stress
The Role of Flavonol Synthesized by Nucleus FLS1 in Arabidopsis Resistance to Pb Stress

cold acclimation has a different effect on the leaf level of the export structure and carbon vascular bundles in the natural Arabidopsis accessions originating from southern and northern Europe

Acclimation to low but non-freezing temperatures is an important ecological process for Arabidopsis thaliana, but also for many other plant species from temperate regions. consisting of cold acclimation and affect various physiological and molecular processes and supply of sugar from the network maintenance sunk by a network of photosynthetically active source is essential for the survival of plants. Here, changes in vascular structure bundles (VB) on leaf petioles are analyzed together with the level of exudate sucrose before and after cold acclimation.

Six natural Arabidopsis accessions coming from the south and the north of Europe compared. the efficiency of photosynthesis, ie the maximum and effective quantum results photosystem II, revealed a significant effect of environmental conditions. Just to the North accession is a very significant negative correlation was observed between the level of sucrose leaf exudation, xylem, and the cross-sectional area of ​​the petiole.

Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Arabidopsis

D1634310 10 ug
EUR 629

Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Arabidopsis

D1634310-5 5 ug
EUR 329

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Arabidopsis, BioGenomics

MBS654625-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 765

Tissue, Genomic DNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Arabidopsis, BioGenomics

MBS654625-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 3300

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Plant Normal, Plant, Arabidopsis, BioGenomics

MBS652266-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 935

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Plant Normal, Plant, Arabidopsis, BioGenomics

MBS652266-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 3985

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Corn

R1634330 100 ug
EUR 775

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Rice

R1634360 100 ug
EUR 775

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Wheat

R1634390 100 ug
EUR 775

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Orange

R1634340 100 ug
EUR 775

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Potato

R1634350 100 ug
EUR 775

Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Soy bean

R1634370 100 ug
EUR 775

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Rice, BioGenomics

MBS638651-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Rice, BioGenomics

MBS638651-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Corn, BioGenomics

MBS638669-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Corn, BioGenomics

MBS638669-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Wheat, BioGenomics

MBS638754-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Wheat, BioGenomics

MBS638754-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Potato, BioGenomics

MBS638596-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Potato, BioGenomics

MBS638596-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Orange, BioGenomics

MBS638615-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Orange, BioGenomics

MBS638615-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Soy bean, BioGenomics

MBS638726-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 885

Tissue, Total RNA, Plant Normal, Plant, Soy bean, BioGenomics

MBS638726-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3765

Plant Tissue cDNA: Arabidopsis

PC34-310 10 rxn
EUR 498

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Placenta

R1434200-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Placenta

R1334200-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Lung

R1434152-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain

R1434035-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Colon

R1434090-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Heart

R1434122-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Liver

R1434149-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Ovary

R1434183-50 50 ug
EUR 376

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Lung

R1334152-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1434142-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Rectum

R1434206-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Spleen

R1434246-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Testis

R1434260-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Thymus

R1434264-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain

R1334035-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Colon

R1334090-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Heart

R1334122-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Liver

R1334149-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Adipose

R1434003-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Bladder

R1434010-50 50 ug
EUR 386

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Stomach

R1434248-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1334142-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Rectum

R1334206-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Spleen

R1334246-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Testis

R1334260-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R1434188-50 50 ug
EUR 376

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Adipose

R1334003-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Bladder

R1334010-50 50 ug
EUR 386

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Stomach

R1334248-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R1334188-50 50 ug
EUR 442

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta

R1234200-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Whole Eye

R1334108-50 50 ug
EUR 376

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung

R1234152-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skin

R1234218-50 50 ug
EUR 341

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain

R1234035-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Cecum

R1234089-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon

R1234090-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart

R1234122-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver

R1234149-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ovary

R1234183-10 10 ug
EUR 772

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Penis

R1234194-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Lung

R1534152-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast

R1234086-50 50 ug
EUR 341

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1234142-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum

R1234206-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen

R1234246-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis

R1234260-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Throat

R1234263-10 10 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus

R1234264-10 10 µg
EUR 772

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tongue

R1234267-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tonsil

R1234268-10 10 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus

R1234274-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Vagina

R1234283-10 10 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle

R1434171-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Small Intestine

R1434226-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Brain

R1534035-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon

R1534090-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Heart

R1534122-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Liver

R1534149-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose

R1234003-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal

R1234004-50 50 ug
EUR 239

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bladder

R1234010-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Trachea

R1234160-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Parotid

R1234190-50 50 ug
EUR 239

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach

R1234248-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thyroid

R1234265-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain, cerebellum

R1434039-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Artery

R1534013-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1534142-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Appendix

R1234006-10 10 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R1234188-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Prostate

R1234201-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle

R1334171-50 50 ug
EUR 156

Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Small Intestine

R1334226-50 50 ug
EUR 251

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Bladder

R1534010-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus

R1234106-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach

R1534248-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Appendix

R1534006-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Lung

R1534152-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R1534188-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Epididymis

R1234105-10 10 ug
EUR 343

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain

R1534035-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon

R1534090-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Heart

R1534122-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Liver

R1534149-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm

R1534169-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Gallbladder

R1234118-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Artery

R1534013-Cy 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Kidney

R1534142-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Bladder

R1534010-Cy 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Stomach

R1534248-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

Arabidopsis Total RNA

PLR-1021 0.05mg
EUR 370

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R1534188-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung

R2234152 1 ug
EUR 744

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm

R1534169-Cy 50 ug
EUR 229

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon

R2234090 1 ug
EUR 744

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver

R2234149 1 ug
EUR 744

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pons

R1234071-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lymph Node

R1234161-10 10 ug
EUR 382

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney

R2234142 1 ug
EUR 744

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen

R2234246 1 ug
EUR 744

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bone Marrow

R1234024-10 10 ug
EUR 268

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord

R1234234-50 50 ug
EUR 341

Total RNA from Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus

R1234264-50 50 ug
EUR 1159.2
Description: Can be used for various studies in the realm of gene expression and regulation, both normal and pathological. It is an excellent control and suitable for educational purposes.

FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas

R2234188 1 ug
EUR 744

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid

R1234095-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Thalamus

R1234079-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Salivary Gland

R1234212-10 10 ug
EUR 268

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia

R1234250-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus

R1234251-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus

R1234252-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid

R1534095-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending

R1234091-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ductus Deferens

R1234100-10 10 ug
EUR 343

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle

R1234171-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Seminal Vesicle

R1234214-10 10 ug
EUR 329

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine

R1234226-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus

R1234253-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Tissue, Total RNA, Rat Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638746-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 505

Tissue, Total RNA, Rat Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638746-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2060

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum

R1234039-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon descending

R1234092-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse

R1234096-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Muscle: Diaphragm

R1234169-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending

R1534091-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle

R1534171-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine

R1534226-50 50 ug
EUR 229

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus

R1234052-10 10 ug
EUR 772

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium

R1234133-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Tissue, Total RNA, Mouse, Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638557-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 505

Tissue, Total RNA, Mouse, Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638557-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2060

Tissue, Total RNA, Human Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638523-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 495

Tissue, Total RNA, Human Adult Normal, Placenta, BioGenomics

MBS638523-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1995

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon descending

R1534092-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse

R1534096-50 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Diencephalon

R1234049-10 10 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Submaxillary gland

R1234165-10 10 ug
EUR 268

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Placenta

R1234200-P 50 ug
EUR 443

Total RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid

R1534095-Cy 50 ug
EUR 424

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe

R1234150-50 50 ug
EUR 221

Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung, 0 shipping

ATR1234152-50 50 ug
EUR 241

In addition, only for North accession is a significant increase of VB and leaf petiole cross-sectional area was observed during cold acclimation.