Pre-mRNA splicing participates in the regulation of various biological processes in plants. For example, alternative splicing forms transcriptomic response to abiotic and biotic stress, and controls are developed to the program. However, no research has revealed a role for splicing in maintaining root stem cell niche.
Here, the display defects in root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana mutant identify ethyl methane sulfonate defects in pre-mRNA splicing (rdm16-4). The rdm16-4 mutant featuring short root phenotype resulting from cells fewer in the root apical meristem. The PLETHORA1 (PLT1) and PLT2 gene transcription factor essential for the development of roots and alternative spliced in mutant rdm16-4, produce regular root stem cell niche and root growth is inhibited. Cover the roots rdm16-4 contained reducing the level of cytokines, which promote the differentiation in the developing root.
This decrease was associated with alternative splicing genes that encode cytokinin signaling factors, such as histidine ARABIDOPSIS PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROTEIN5 and regulators ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE (arr1, ARR2 and ARR11). Furthermore, expression of full-length coding sequence arr1 or exogenous cytokinin application partially rescued the phenotype of short-roots rdm16-4. It reveals that the alternative splicing RDM16-mediated cytokinin signal components contributing to the growth of roots. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Linkage and association mapping population is an important public resource that facilitates the characterization of the nature of the genetic architecture in natural systems and agriculture. We define a large panel nested association mapping (NAM) of 14 publicly available population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Arabidopsis thaliana, which share a common recurrent parent (Col-0). Using the approach of genotype-by-sequencing (GBS), we identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; the range of 563-1525 per resident) and then developed updated map relationships in each of the 14 RIL sets.
Simulation in individual RIL population showed that GBS markers we have enhanced power to detect a small effect QTLs and QTL support interval enhanced resolution compared to the original linkage map. Using this strong linkage map, we calculated a set of SNP parents generally available for each RIL linkage maps, produce overlapping markers in all populations.
Application of ease Citrus Extract Commercially Moderate NaCl-Based Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana plants
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the BC204 as biostimulant plant Arabidopsis thaliana plants under normal conditions and NaCl-stress.
Methods: For this study, ex vitro and in vitro growth experiments conducted to assess the effect of both NaCl and BC204 on the basis of physiological parameters such as biomass, chlorophyll, proline, malondialdehyde, stomata conductivity, Fv / Fm and expression of four genes -responsive NaCl.
Results: This study provides preliminary evidence that BC204 alleviate salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. BC204 treatment increased chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight, while reducing proline, anthocyanin and malondialdehyde content in the presence of 10 dS · m-1 electroconductivity (EC) salt stress. Stomata conductivity is also reduced by BC204 and NaCl in source leaves. In addition, the BC204 has a significant impact on the expression of genes associated salinitas-, stimulating the expression of genes related to salinity SOS1 RD29A and independent of the NaCl-stress.
Conclusion: BC204 stimulate plant growth under normal growth conditions by increasing the land network shoot and root and shoot growth in vitro. BC204 also increased chlorophyll content while reducing the conductivity of stomata. BC204 further reduced moderate to severe salt stress (10-20 dS · m-1) in A. thaliana.